"A wonderful performance! Heartfelt, heart-wrenching, informative, and hopeful. I left knowing more than I did before watching the play. It has inspired me to learn more. Thanks to both of you!"
"Thank you for bringing your powerful play here! The writing was lovely. Your acting/performances were moving, polished, powerful and so professional. What you shared, from my bipolar experience, was absolutely true, authentic, yet uniquely personal, and so broadly informative and valuable to all the many members and allies of the mental health community. AND so uplifting and inspiring. I saw myself over and over in what you shared... I found it compelling and dramatic viewing, a lovely aesthetic creative whole—and I want it to be widely seen! Thank you again for your brilliant work."
"Excellent performance and very powerful message. A must see for anyone who has a family member with mental health issues."
"Jennifer and Kate do an amazing job of honestly and openly sharing what it's really like to live with [bipolar disorder]. You will laugh and cry and learn. It's wonderful. I can't recommend it enough!"
"There are no words that could ever express my gratitude for the play and your willingness to perform for us. I have reviewed the evaluations completed by over 100 staff and they all gave rave reviews for this performance and discussion. Congratulations, you a nailed it, like you've heard a million times! The creativity in bringing this message in a play format is brilliant!!!!! "
"I bring back from sitting through your presentation, a deeper understanding of what families and their loved ones go through in the circumstances than I had ever done before."
​"What a privilege to be allowed inside the life and mind of an incredibly brave and talented young woman with a bipolar disorder; and to see her interact with important others on the outside. If you want a gut check, not a textbook, understanding of [bipolar disorder], I highly recommend it!"
"What an awesome, open and educational experience. Thank you both!"
"I was fortunate enough to see the show yesterday as part of our staff training event. The play is an amazing piece of performance art that really illuminates Jennifer's struggles with bipolar disorder and the ramifications/ripple effects the disorder has on the lives of her family, friends, and colleagues. Jennifer is courageous to bring her trials into the light and thus to pave the way for an intimate understanding of what life is truly like when mental illness is present. This play chips away at the stigma of mental illness by openly sharing what many people can identify with in one form or another but who haven't yet been able to give words to their pain. Very moving. Highly recommended!"
"Wow! This is a truly moving performance. These two sisters give an honest and raw account of what it's like to live with bipolar disorder and how family and friends are also affected ... It can certainly help medical professionals, social workers, law enforcement and others gain a greater understanding of mental health."
"The play was so powerful, it resonated with many and I was so elated to see people stand up and be proud - your bravery enabled that - Congratulations."
"Powerful and informative insight on what it is like to be or be a part of a circle for someone suffering from mental illness. I highly recommend it."
"Thank you for an insightful look into the world of a bipolar patient. I related to it all too well."
"Thank You! Your performances were accurate, powerful and convincing. I live with depression and you captured many of my feelings while performing the depressive episodes in your life."
"Thank you for a most excellent view into your world. So moving and eye opening - Well done!"
"I was quite impressed. I have read about bipolar disorder in textbooks but your play was informative and helped one to understand the ups and downs and how it affects family and friends."
"I really enjoyed the play and discussion. It is great that you and your sister are doing this. I don't have any personal experience with [bipolar disorder], but I have lived with someone who suffers from the depression side, without the mania, and that part of the presentation rang quite true with my experience."
"The play was amazingly informative and lots of people are still talking about it...This is such an honest and informative look at the living with bipolar, I want to encourage it far and wide."
"This program is very moving and real. I have a new understanding and appreciation of "what it's really like". Please go see it."
"It is hard to find the words to adequately express my feelings after watching this play. It expressed the pain and loneliness of mental illness as well as the fears and hurts of those who love someone who is mentally ill. I was moved and overwhelmed but also left with a feeling of hope that it will increase understanding of all who read about mental illness and those who deal with it."
"I wanted to say thank you for everything you put into your performance. It was dynamite! I truly hope that lots of people can have the experience I did. It was an honor and a privilege to be there. Thank you!"